

VIII International Symposium of Helicobacter pylori infection and Gastric Cancer

VIII International Symposium of Helicobacter pylori infection and Gastric Cancer
Belo Horizonte, Brazil, April 12-14, 2018
1. Helicobacter pylori
a. Genomics
b. Pathophysiology and host response
c. Bacterial markers for potential risk stratification
d. Management and treatment 
e. Resistance to antibiotics
2. Gastric microbiome
a. Non-H. pylori members
3. Gastric cancer
a. Molecular classification
b. Genomic studies
c. Screening
d. Low-cost endoscopy technologies
4. Premalignant lesions
a. Subtyping of intestinal metaplasia
b. Autoimmune gastritis
c. Non-invasive markers for potential risk stratification (blood vs other)
5. Ongoing clinical/epidemiological studies in Latin American populations
a. Brazil
b. Chile 
c. Colombia
d. Colombia and México
e. Honduras/Salvador/Nicaragua
f. Perú 
g. Targeted chemoprevention in high risk populations
6. Potential research initiatives in Latin America (Break-out sessions)
a. Survey of H. pylori resistance to antibiotics
b. Registry on the management of H. pylori infection
c. Development of a common protocol to collect biospecimens and data from patients with preneoplastic and neoplastic lesions for collaborative studies
d. Molecular characterization of gastric tumors (frozen vs. FFPE)
e. Characterization of preneoplastic and neoplastic lesions using clinical records
f. Familial gastric cancer
g. Technology transfer (e.g., Tissue microarrays, etc.)
h. Others
7. IX International Symposium of H. pylori infection and Gastric Cancer in Guatemala, 2020
a. First announcement by Elisa Hernandez and Carmen Villagran (Universidad San Carlos).
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Entrevista com a Dra. Maria do Carmo na rádio CBN sobre Microbiota e saúde intestinal

Ouça a entrevista ao programa Estúdio CBN concedida pela Dra. Maria do Carmo sobre Microbiota, onde são abordados temas atuais sobre a existência de neurônios no intestino, a relação entre o eixo cérebro-intestino e outros assuntos atuais.


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